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Modern Foreign Languages
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24
Intent, Implementation and Impact – MFL- Spanish curriculum
Communication is a key skill for life. Learning another language supports an understanding of living in a multi-cultural society, provides an opening to other cultures, and fosters curiosity about the wider world beyond our rural location. It should equip children for a future in a globally connected world.
At Netheravon All Saints our current MFL is Spanish. The intention of our curriculum is to develop an interest in and a love of learning other languages. We aim to introduce the learning of Spanish and the understanding of cultures associated with the language in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We intend to embed the essential skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing so that our children are able to express their ideas and thoughts in another language as well being able to understand and respond to another speaker. We aim to develop the children’s cultural capital so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures and learn to show kindness, love and respect for others. We hope to lay the foundations for further language learning at secondary school and throughout life.
Our MFL curriculum follows the Language Angels scheme of learning. It has been designed to progressively develop Spanish language skills through regularly taught lessons. The children acquire a bank of phrases and stem sentences as well as vocabulary organised around topics, all of which can then be drawn on and built upon in future terms and years ensuring that development is progressive. The children acquire new language and are encouraged to use and apply it in in a range of different scenarios and topics. Children are encouraged and supported to develop their speaking and listening skills through conversational work, reading, singing and games. As confidence and skills grow the children begin to record using single words, captions and sentences.
Teachers assess Spanish learning throughout each lesson and make judgements about who is working below, on target and above expectations. Pupil voice, lesson drop ins and book monitoring help to inform the MFL lead about progress and future development.
Through high quality teaching, children will demonstrate an enthusiasm and love of learning in Spanish. By the end of Year 6 all pupils will have developed the key language learning skills set out in the National Curriculum which are as follows;
- Understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources.
- Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation.
- Write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.
- Discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.
- Develop confidence in communication which is especially important for our transitory military children.
Reviewed January 2024