Our School Day

Our school week is 31 hours and 40 minutes a week and our school day is as follows:

8:45am  Playground open*
8:55am The school day begins
8:55am - 12:00pm Class/ curriculum time
10:15am - 10:25am Years 1, 2 and 3 morning break 
10:30am - 10:40am Years 4, 5 and 6 morning break
  Reception Class has a variable break time, in line with the children's needs
12:00pm Lunch time
1:00pm Class/ curriculum time 

School finishes

* Parents are allowed to bring their children into the playground from 8.45am. The expectation is that parents / carers will stay with their child(ren) until the bell is rung just before 8.55am.

At the end of the school day, teachers or a teaching assistant release their class at the classroom door. Pupils will only be able to leave to a parent/carer, or other adult if we have been notified of a change of collection.

If you are going to be late, please make every effort to call the School Office 01980 670339, so that we can keep your child safe until you arrive,.

The school gates are locked at 3.30pm and any child remaining on the school site will be brought to the Office. If there has been no explanation as to a late pick up from parents, the child will be taken to After School Club and parents will be charged in 15 min intervals.